André Sier
Neon Paleolitikos
Nov 17th – Dec 13th 2017
Espaço Camões da Livraria Sá da Costa | Praça Luís de Camões, 22, 4th floor, Lisbon
Neon Paleolitikosisan exhibition from electronic artistic André Sier within the Wolfanddotcomseries that gathers only unpublished works: drawings, printed totemic sculptures and an interactive installation.
The works mingle games, animality, cyberspace; they look at the operating system that executes programs on electronic substrates as living entities. The bytes from files, programs, and processes transform into fractal binarized visual patterns, they become lines that are organic, unpredictable, musical. The electronic subtract spawns drawings and three-dimensional landscapes become terrain inhabited by bio-electronic beings resembling wolves, dragons, phoenixes into a vibrant, luminous, neon paleolithic age.
After the Anthroposcene, Neon Paleolitikos is a new epoch dating since the decline of mankind until the zenith ofnew bio-electronic life-forms: operational symbioses combined amongst ruins ofsilica, transistors, algorithms, cells, plants, animals, electricity.