Martim Brion
Galeria Sá da Costa
Opening: 29 October| from 12:00 to 9:00 pm
Exhibition: 30th october until 20th november 2020 | Monday to Saturday, 2:30pm – 7pm
Rua Serpa Pinto 19, 1200-443 Lisbon
On the 29th of October, the exhibition Pontos de Intersecção of the artist Martim Brion, will be inaugurated at the Sá da Costa Gallery.
In this exhibition the artist shows us a set of recent works, new sculptures and photographs, which dialogue with each other, through form and color, exploring the actions of repetition and variation as an instrument between appearance and essence.
“(…)« Pontos de Intersecção »operates the methodological omnipresence of seriality, repetition and variation as a structuring system of a project approach. Regardless of the hierarchy or segregation of processes and means, Martim Brion’s work moves between the repetition of discrete variations of objects that appear, become apparent, and the search for the essential and universal root of the form, calling for a metaphysical character embodied by fraction and unity, analysis and synthesis, specificity and essentialism. (…) “
Ricardo Escarduça
Production of Ocupart in partnership with Sá da Costa Arte, this exhibition can be visited until November 20, from Monday to Saturday, from 2:30 pm to 7 pm, at Galeria Sá da Costa, located at Rua Serpa Pinto 19, 1200-443 Lisboa, or by appointment at